Reed's roots for hair
Sugar Cane Roots for Hair
Sugar cane belongs to the grass family and
contains dietary fiber, fructose, antioxidants, a range of vitamins (A, C, B1,
B2, B3, B5, B6) and minerals; such as zinc, manganese, iron, phosphorus,
copper, chromium, cobalt, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
Benefits of Sugar Cane Roots for Hair
- Lengthens hair and increases its
- Treats scalp problems such as dandruff
and fungi.
- Increases hair density, combats hair
loss, and prevents baldness.
How to Use Sugar Cane Roots for Hair
- For hair lengthening: Burn the sugar
cane roots over a fire until they turn into charcoal. Then, lightly roast flax
seeds without burning them. After that, burn hedgehog spikes until they become
charcoal. Grind all these ingredients separately in a grain grinder. Put the
ground ingredients in a container and pour a suitable amount of olive oil
(heated over low heat) over them, and mix well. Apply this mixture well on the
hair roots. Melt a little non-spicy green henna, mix it with hot water, and
apply it on the scalp to help the sugar cane mixture stick to the hair. Leave
this mixture for a full day or for three days on the hair.
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